Names and Marketing

Good Name or Bad Name and Marketing

About Names and Marketing

about names and marketing

by Clay Marafiote

Here is an article about Names are Extremely Important and Marketing.

Okay. First things first. But you might want to sit down... because I have something to tell you, and it goes against what we were told while we were growing up.

You see, whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me," was only partially right. The fact is, a BAD name can just about kill you. (Well, maybe not you, but certainly your company and/or its products.)
Names are extremely (yes, "extremely") important!
Here's what you need to keep in mind: For maximum effect, a name needs to be easy to remember and communicate what your company or product is all about. Nothing frustrates prospective customers more than having to guess what you do or sell. Confuse them and chances are they'll pay a visit or make a phone call to one of your competitors.
Lately, a lot companies have demonstrated the misguided notion that it's an advantage to have a "clever" name. Do yourself a favor. Unless profits are unimportant to you, don't follow this suicidal fad. It's always better to find a name that's easy to remember, different from your competitors, communicates what you do, and connotes a positive feeling.

Visit Marketing, Website Design, Computer Repair - with lots of information.

Marketing Tip

So, how do you know if a name does all of this? Simple. Survey your target market.

Prospects and Marketing Resources:

- Marketing - Brands - Brand Names

Author Credit:

Bogie is the contributing writer at Gulfcoast Webworks and loves writing articles related to the advertising marketing and the health field. He also cares that his articles are not illegally duplicated and passed around!
Visit marketing and advertising articles and My Medical Planner for articles covering a diverse range of topics.

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